We are the Bow Valley outdoor gear repair specialist!
The Outdoor Gear Doctor specializes in the repair and alteration of clothing, sportswear, workwear, and recreational equipment. Located in the heart of Albertas majestic outdoor playground—the Bow Valley--the Outdoor Gear Doctor provides high quality work and professional service. The Outdoor Gear Doctor will have your outdoor gear repaired and ready for new adventures in no time.
Common Repair and Alteration Services Include:
Press fasteners
Hemming and patching
Boat, car, and snowmobile covers
Tent, sleeping bags, or back-country gear
Kitesurfing and kite skiing
Hotel and work uniforms
Need repairs or emergency work done but dont see it listed? No problem-see our services page for more detail or contact us directly to discuss your repair needs.
**The Outdoor Gear Doctor is a proud member of Banff Lake Louise Tourism